Perfect Universal Lifestyle
The Whole Story Index

Act I

  1. One King - One Kingdom - Two Lifestyles?
  2. Law - the basis of lifestyle
  3. Two Nations - what each believes - summary statements
  4. Truth compels - a reexamination
  5. Truth - Reality - a short course in truth detection
    Micro-truth - the root of un-truth
    Bite-sized truth - delicious but deadly
  6. Are you able to convict - jury selection
  7. Genesis - in the beginning - the concept of sanctification (distinguishing sacred from common)
  8. The hidden kingdom - a look at heaven - the seat of authority
  9. Minimal Law - Why didn't the law come first? Why wasn't the Torah given to Adam?
  10. Relationship before rules
  11. The Age of conscience
  12. Noah a new world order

Act II

  1. Abraham - the promise - progressive revelation & hidden promises
  2. Jacob - the first Jew (Israelite) - the demo unit
  3. Incubation / Exodus
  4. Mt. Sinai - the kingdom constitution - the PUL
    Torah - written
    Torah - Oral
  5. The wilderness - childhood - the age of non-compliance
  6. The promised land - the kingdom manifested
  7. The prophetic kingdom - reveled
  8. The Exile - a new focus on software - rightly dividing spiritual Israel
  9. Developing the lifestyle - 613 commands


  1. In the fullness of time - the stage is ready
  2. The King and his kingdom
  3. Torah - refine or replace
  4. The teachings of Yeshua - the Gospel of the Kingdom
  5. The disciples
  6. The Kingdom offer
  7. The Kingdom rejected
  8. The Lamb of God
  9. The upper room - leaving Israel
  10. The power environment I (Pentecost)
  11. The government within a government
  12. The early years (the Great commission)
  13. Paul - a chosen vessel
  14. The second front - a new gospel - the gospel for the pagans
  15. Acts 15 - tension resolution
  16. Acts 21 Rumor resolution
  17. Church doctrine - resolution or rebellion
  18. The theology of Law & Grace - rightly dividing law Vs. legalism
  19. The take over - the 'new Israel'
  20. Christianity Judaism for the Gentiles
  21. The first 400 years - mixing paganism with perfection
  22. Judaism - the loyal opposition
  23. The success of grace
  24. A new dawn - National Israel
  25. Increase of knowledge
  26. Worship - in spirit and truth

Act IV

  1. All truth - The veil is lifted
  2. The Messianic/Restoration movement
  3. Law review - the perfect plan, the perfect man
  4. The conformity gospel - Knowledge and power
  5. Elijah, Exodus, Mt Sinai, Torah and the End-of the-Age
  6. Authority and man:
    to make law?
    power to forgive?
  7. Rightly dividing - a people and a lifestyle
  8. Small minds - vs. the 'mind of Christ'
  9. Acts 15 - the council reconvened